Why not get your group raising some money for charity and having a great day out!
We’ve organised Sponsored Abseils across the country so If you have a building in mind, our experienced team will visit to check its suitability.
Pur private rock sports quarry, Sandford Quarry (pictured) is also a brilliant venue in Somerset with its stunning views across the Bristol channel.
Our friendly team will support you with every step of the process. On the day of the Abseil, our experienced instructors will take control, leaving your teams to focus on the big step backwards off the building or cliff edge- an amazing feeling they will never forget!
Looking for a Sponsored Charity event with a twist?!
Ski or Snowboard our 165-metre dry ski slope 55 times you'll have skied the same distance as the height of Everest!
Share this between a team and this becomes quite an exciting challenge to undertake - all whilst raising money for charity.