Mendip Activity Centre recognize that sustainability and managing the environment is the biggest challenge facing us. As outdoor educators, it is our responsibility to be role models in sustainable living and working and use the power of the outdoors and adventures to teach others.
In 2022 we undertook a comprehensive sustainability audit which allowed us to write the following policy:
This policy commits to:
Protecting the natural environment
Fulfilling any compliance obligation
Continually strive to improve performance
We will identify ways to incentive and encourage sustainable travel from customers and staff including:
Incentives for staff to lift share or cycle or walk to work
Improved storage facilities for those who cycle
Work with local campaigners to support public transport and cycling infrastructure
Existing Achievements:
Purchase of an electric on-site vehicle
Introduction of a cycle-to-work scheme
Displayed public transport and active travel information to customers

We will:
Support and welcome ecologists from the Mendip Hills National Landscape to manage limestone grasslands above the quarry with activities such as identifying species, and invasive species removal
Identify the highest-risk Ash Trees to remove in our ancient woodland
Train a team to start implementing bat transects
Existing Achievements:
​Planting of over 2000 trees and hedgerows around the site
Butterfly transects and training took place in Summer of 2022

We will:
Work with ecologists from the Mendip Hills National Landscape to deliver training and learning opportunities to staff and the public
Display ecological and sustainability information across our site and online.
Existing Achievements:
Winner of Green Tourism Bronze Award in 2023​
Winner of Smart Living: Nature award in 2022 for our outdoor education and outdoor learning work with schools
We will:
Publish annual waste and recycling tonnages for all waste streams.
Identify our top 5 suppliers and approach them to provide their sustainability & carbon policies.
Existing Achievements:
We are working with a new waste management contractor who have more eco-goals

We will:
Collect wastewater with water butts in the campsite and under taps in the centre.
Install some trial low-flush urinal blocks.
Install a water fountain and bottle filling station
Existing Achievements:
Development of a comprehensive digital system to track and manage our water usage.
We will:
Undertake an EPC Energy Performance Certificate to identify energy efficiency opportunities.
Replace Alpine Lounge windows with more efficient glazing across the site
Install pipe insulation
Install an automated lift stop/start on our ski lift
Existing Achievements:
Lighting digital system built to limit time lights are on
Solar power installed on shower block in our campsite
Solar panels installed on Mendip Lodge
Single glazed doors and windows replaced in Mendip Lodge

We will:
Undertake an accessibility survey and use this to write a priority action list
Mark Disabled Parking spaces
Create an accessible viewing platform on the toboggan slope
Add pictures to the accessibility section of our website
Existing Achievements:
Installed a lift at our main buildings
Installed a ramp to Reception
​Built accessible washrooms in the campsite